Jon Holcombe

Sitecore strategic lead

Why I see Sitecore profiles like a game of 'Guess Who'

Mando London Strategy Lead explores why he sees Sitecore Profiles like a game of guess who

How to deliver early ROI through simplified customer journeys

Our lead Sitecore Strategist discusses how simplifying customer journeys can help support you to achieve early results - watch the video from our Provoke event.

Why you're not seeing an ROI on your Sitecore CX platform

Sitecore is an incredible platform, but ultimately, an expensive one. Here's why you're not seeing a return on your investment.

Patience is dead - so why does your UI demand it?

Jon explores how businesses need to deliver an improved UI and customer experience, as customers are becoming more impatient. His money's on chatbots.

Moving up the gears in Sitecore

You have bought Sitecore, an incredible platform, anything but simple content delivery. So, what next?